Thursday, June 6, 2013

Organizational Notes

Things my apartment does not have:

  • Hot water (and significantly less cold water as well)
  • A dishwasher
  • Laundry on the premises
  • A vacuum
  • A toaster
  • An iron
  • A dresser for my clothes
  • Functional blinds
  • An emergency exit (unless you count the windows you can crawl out of)

Things my apartment does have:
  • Mold
  • Wet carpets (kind goes with the mold)
  • Booby traps
  • A room full of other people's shit
  • Bizarre stains on the kitchen floor that challenge you to get creative with what could have possibly caused them
  • Bars on the windows
  • Giant cracks in my wall that make noises at night
  • Cracks in the bathroom sink
  • Other peoples' pictures in my closet (they were here when I moved it...I'm not a freak.  #okmaybesometimes #dealwithitkevan)
  • Large spiders
  • Tiny ants
  • A ton of empties - but seriously, how else are we supposed to deal with the rest of this shit sober?
  • A pretty great roommate (except that he seems to think ketchup-popcorn-flavouring is a meal...)

***I bought a toilet bowl scrubber.  So that adds that to the "Things my apartment does have" list and removes "20 million red rings in my toilet" from that same list.  Hoorah!

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